Sunday, May 18, 2014

Walk with God

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
Psalm 46:1-3

What a GREAT comfort we have through the word of God, we who put all our trust in Him.

God's word and His promises will be for any one who has submitted his/her life to Christ, God's Son. It is not for "some" people, but for all who have their faith in God, through Christ.
One has to be born again, according to the words of Jesus.

This life is a learning experience.... a "school". During this "learning" one cannot question God. Really there is no reason to question Him, as long as we do what His word suggests for us to do. I don't know what your Christian background and your walk with God is or has been, but according to His word the Believer will go from victory to victory. NOT becoming weary or dispirited.
Something is lacking in your spiritual life if you live in the way of defeat.

"He knows what one can bear". But the issue is that a Born Again believer does not have to bear everything, because we walk by faith and NOT by sight. Followers of Christ do not have to allow their lives to be destroyed, since we have God's word and all His promises. 
WE HAVE TO WALK BY IT, ACT UPON IT AND BELIEVE THAT HIS PROMISES ARE OURS. We have to obey the word of God, fight evil and satan, since Christ gave us authority over the powers of darkness. We are co-workers with God. This means working together with Him.

We all need to learn our lessons. One can be a VICTOR AS LONG AS YOU STAND ON GOD'S WORD and act upon it. You have to believe the scriptures and make these your own. If He says I will never leave you nor forsake you, then you have to practise this and walk in that faith of trusting His word.

If I tell you to try one of my home baked cookies, and tell you how good they are... you would never know it if you don't eat one. You may even think that they are not good,because I baked them. The above can be compared with the goodness of God's word, which you should "eat" and making it your own, because the Father says that His Word is good food for our soul. This means to make His word your own and act accordingly.

I know what I am advising others who seek help. But your first steps should be to walk with God by dedicating your life completely to the Father, through Christ; be born-again; be baptized by immersion; and receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit, as Paul explains. Next begin to walk according to His promises in order to become victorious in all expects of your life.

Just being religious or a church goer does not mean a thing to God. He says: "Be doers of the Word." Many live in defeat because they are not practising Christianity, but are Christians by the word only.

The above may be far from easy after the natural man, but certainly attainable through Christ. A life without Christ will become unbearable, since there will never be total victory over the issues this earthly life presents.

Bring your needs before the Lord and trust Him that He Can and Will do according to His word. Praise His name!

It is NO secret what God can do, what He has done for others He will do for you. Thank You Jesus!

Strength and blessings to those who are willing to walk in His footsteps, and thus glorify His wonderful name. AMEN!

Copyright © Dr.Trudy Veerman, 1996 – 2014, All rights reserved.

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